Top 5 Tips For Choosing A Breathwork Teacher Training Certification
Ok, so you’ve just taken your first breathwork class and just had your first “WTF just happened experience” (if you’re not familiar with why I use this phrase click here to read my previous blog titled, Breathwork WTF Just Happened…)
As you are leaving the class still buzzing, tingling, wiping tears from your ears and eyes possibly, not only did you have an amazing transformational experience, one you never even expected but you also can’t stop thinking to yourself, “omg, I NEED to teach this practice.
This is what I am meant to do!”So as the high of the Breathwork is still coursing through your floating, tingling and vibrating body you start thinking, “where can I study Breathwork?”, “who should I learn from?” and “how long will it take to get certified?” you do what we all do when questions are racing through our minds unanswered like cars on the Autobahn, you pull out your smartphone and hit up your best friend Google!
Or most likely, your second-best friend Siri, since you’re fingers are probably still tingling and vibrating and typing isn’t an option!“Hey Siri, what’s the best Breathwork Teacher Training program near me?” or “Hey Siri, how do I become a Breathwork Teacher?” or “Siri, do I need a Certification to teach Breathwork?”
And now as you have a whole slew of information, via article and videos in front of you, overwhelm sets in, “where do I start?”
Start with a long, slow, deep breath and take a peek at the below list I put together for you with the top 5 tips to consider as you start exploring your journey to becoming a Breathwork Teacher!
Of course, there are always more things to consider but I would start here:
1. Determine Your Goal
Ask yourself what is your desired outcome after your training?
Do you feel a strong urge to begin teaching as soon as you can and really want to mainly learn the fundamentals of breathwork, the science behind the breath and how to create and lead sessions and classes?
Or maybe you already have a solid understanding of the breath, or you are already teaching in the wellness or holistic space? If you answered yes to any of those, then a 1-2 year training program may not be the best fit for you.
On the other hand, you may want to dive deeper into your own practice and do some self-excavation and self-discovery. You may also really want to go deep into all of the areas that can accompany Breathwork and this healing practice such as adding guided meditation and prayers, creating altars, working with aromatherapy, and so much more.
But just know going in that these types of trainings can range from several weeks to up to 2 years. Or you can start with a shorter more foundational Breathwork Teacher Training and keep adding layers via continued learning and training, which I think is the best scenario.
This way you are experiencing many different styles of teaching while layering your information. This also prevents information overload.
2. What Is Your Budget
What is your budget? How much of an investment can you or are you willing to make in order to learn this new modality and potentially step into an entirely new career?
The price range for Breathwork Teacher Trainings is from $500-$10,000. Therefore, you need to know your budget when you start looking at the various Breathwork Training Certifications. Many will have payment plans available so look for that option if needed.
Or possibly just start with a less expensive but aligned program and add additional learning when the budget allows. Like any area of study or profession, I believe the learning is NEVER done. I still continue to study with Teachers I consider experts in the field and take expansive educational training whenever I feel inspired to do so!
3. Style of Learning
We all know ourselves pretty well when it comes to learning, retaining, and experiencing information. For me, I’m more of an in-person and visual learner so I tend to love the live, in-person-type training. Others tend to learn at their own pace and can do well with online programs.
There are a few online programs that exist, and if that’s your style, you may want to explore that option. I personally believe the magic within Breathwork Teacher Training happens in the group scenario AND is best soaked up as a hands-on training program.
For this particular practice and modality, I do believe some hands-on learning should be required in any Breathwork Teacher Certification. We are dealing with lots of emotions, trauma, grief and the human psyche when teaching this modality, and in my opinion, this requires learning and practicing in person with your Breathwork Training Facilitator/Coach at least in part for the Certification.
4. Convenience / Location
Breathwork Teacher Trainings are held all over the world so knowing your travel flexibility or restrictions and the type of commitment you’re able to make learning this modality is key.
Of course, keeping in mind that if you do feel a strong pull to a certain Teacher and their training program, sometimes, doing whatever it takes to make it happen is the path you will need to take.
5. Alignment With The Breathwork Teacher
Finding a Breathwork Teacher Trainer that you resonate with and feel aligned with really matters. We learn best when we are open, connected and engaged. When you study with the right teacher for YOU, you will have the best experience and get the most out of the Training.
Also, the right teacher delivering information in a way you connect with the most will inspire you to blaze the path on your new Breathwork Teacher training journey!
Here are some comments about this topic straight from some of my own Breathwork Teacher Trainees that they shared with me after choosing The Breath Zone Teacher Training program “some teacher trainings felt prohibitive or cult-like” or “even though a certain teacher has been teaching for x amount of years, their style just didn’t resonate with me” or “I didn’t feel a connection with the teacher because the size of the training group was just too big” and finally, “the other programs I researched just didn’t feel very accessible”.
So there you have it, my top 5 tips to help guide you as you make your list of who to study Breathwork with! And what these 5 tips really boil down to is, do your research, read up on the Breathwork Teacher as a Teacher, decide how you want to learn the information and what it is you care most about learning.
Then compare costs, find the right location, and choose the teacher you feel most aligned with…then you are just One Breath Away from the beginning of your new Breathwork Teacher Training career.
Btw, whether The Breath Zone Teacher Training is on that list or not, either way, I wish you so much happiness, fulfillment, and life-changing moments on your Breathwork teaching journey!
If you are interested in learning more about The Breath Zone Breathwork Teacher Training Certification click here.